Source code for mmcv.utils.version_utils

import os
import subprocess

[docs]def digit_version(version_str): """Convert a version string into a tuple of integers. This method is usually used for comparing two versions. Args: version_str (str): The version string. Returns: tuple[int]: The version info in digits (integers). """ digit_version = [] for x in version_str.split('.'): if x.isdigit(): digit_version.append(int(x)) elif x.find('rc') != -1: patch_version = x.split('rc') digit_version.append(int(patch_version[0]) - 1) digit_version.append(int(patch_version[1])) return tuple(digit_version)
def _minimal_ext_cmd(cmd): # construct minimal environment env = {} for k in ['SYSTEMROOT', 'PATH', 'HOME']: v = os.environ.get(k) if v is not None: env[k] = v # LANGUAGE is used on win32 env['LANGUAGE'] = 'C' env['LANG'] = 'C' env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' out = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env).communicate()[0] return out
[docs]def get_git_hash(fallback='unknown', digits=None): """Get the git hash of the current repo. Args: fallback (str, optional): The fallback string when git hash is unavailable. Defaults to 'unknown'. digits (int, optional): kept digits of the hash. Defaults to None, meaning all digits are kept. Returns: str: Git commit hash. """ if digits is not None and not isinstance(digits, int): raise TypeError('digits must be None or an integer') try: out = _minimal_ext_cmd(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']) sha = out.strip().decode('ascii') if digits is not None: sha = sha[:digits] except OSError: sha = fallback return sha