
mmcv.runner.hooks.lr_updater 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numbers
from math import cos, pi
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union

import mmcv
from mmcv import runner
from .hook import HOOKS, Hook

[文档]class LrUpdaterHook(Hook): """LR Scheduler in MMCV. Args: by_epoch (bool): LR changes epoch by epoch warmup (string): Type of warmup used. It can be None(use no warmup), 'constant', 'linear' or 'exp' warmup_iters (int): The number of iterations or epochs that warmup lasts warmup_ratio (float): LR used at the beginning of warmup equals to warmup_ratio * initial_lr warmup_by_epoch (bool): When warmup_by_epoch == True, warmup_iters means the number of epochs that warmup lasts, otherwise means the number of iteration that warmup lasts """ def __init__(self, by_epoch: bool = True, warmup: Optional[str] = None, warmup_iters: int = 0, warmup_ratio: float = 0.1, warmup_by_epoch: bool = False) -> None: # validate the "warmup" argument if warmup is not None: if warmup not in ['constant', 'linear', 'exp']: raise ValueError( f'"{warmup}" is not a supported type for warming up, valid' ' types are "constant", "linear" and "exp"') if warmup is not None: assert warmup_iters > 0, \ '"warmup_iters" must be a positive integer' assert 0 < warmup_ratio <= 1.0, \ '"warmup_ratio" must be in range (0,1]' self.by_epoch = by_epoch self.warmup = warmup self.warmup_iters: Optional[int] = warmup_iters self.warmup_ratio = warmup_ratio self.warmup_by_epoch = warmup_by_epoch if self.warmup_by_epoch: self.warmup_epochs: Optional[int] = self.warmup_iters self.warmup_iters = None else: self.warmup_epochs = None self.base_lr: Union[list, dict] = [] # initial lr for all param groups self.regular_lr: list = [] # expected lr if no warming up is performed def _set_lr(self, runner, lr_groups): if isinstance(runner.optimizer, dict): for k, optim in runner.optimizer.items(): for param_group, lr in zip(optim.param_groups, lr_groups[k]): param_group['lr'] = lr else: for param_group, lr in zip(runner.optimizer.param_groups, lr_groups): param_group['lr'] = lr def get_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner', base_lr: float): raise NotImplementedError def get_regular_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner'): if isinstance(runner.optimizer, dict): lr_groups = {} for k in runner.optimizer.keys(): _lr_group = [ self.get_lr(runner, _base_lr) for _base_lr in self.base_lr[k] ] lr_groups.update({k: _lr_group}) return lr_groups else: return [self.get_lr(runner, _base_lr) for _base_lr in self.base_lr] def get_warmup_lr(self, cur_iters: int): def _get_warmup_lr(cur_iters, regular_lr): if self.warmup == 'constant': warmup_lr = [_lr * self.warmup_ratio for _lr in regular_lr] elif self.warmup == 'linear': k = (1 - cur_iters / self.warmup_iters) * (1 - self.warmup_ratio) warmup_lr = [_lr * (1 - k) for _lr in regular_lr] elif self.warmup == 'exp': k = self.warmup_ratio**(1 - cur_iters / self.warmup_iters) warmup_lr = [_lr * k for _lr in regular_lr] return warmup_lr if isinstance(self.regular_lr, dict): lr_groups = {} for key, regular_lr in self.regular_lr.items(): lr_groups[key] = _get_warmup_lr(cur_iters, regular_lr) return lr_groups else: return _get_warmup_lr(cur_iters, self.regular_lr) def before_run(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner'): # NOTE: when resuming from a checkpoint, if 'initial_lr' is not saved, # it will be set according to the optimizer params if isinstance(runner.optimizer, dict): self.base_lr = {} for k, optim in runner.optimizer.items(): for group in optim.param_groups: group.setdefault('initial_lr', group['lr']) _base_lr = [ group['initial_lr'] for group in optim.param_groups ] self.base_lr.update({k: _base_lr}) else: for group in runner.optimizer.param_groups: # type: ignore group.setdefault('initial_lr', group['lr']) self.base_lr = [ group['initial_lr'] for group in runner.optimizer.param_groups # type: ignore ] def before_train_epoch(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner'): if self.warmup_iters is None: epoch_len = len(runner.data_loader) # type: ignore self.warmup_iters = self.warmup_epochs * epoch_len # type: ignore if not self.by_epoch: return self.regular_lr = self.get_regular_lr(runner) self._set_lr(runner, self.regular_lr) def before_train_iter(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner'): cur_iter = runner.iter assert isinstance(self.warmup_iters, int) if not self.by_epoch: self.regular_lr = self.get_regular_lr(runner) if self.warmup is None or cur_iter >= self.warmup_iters: self._set_lr(runner, self.regular_lr) else: warmup_lr = self.get_warmup_lr(cur_iter) self._set_lr(runner, warmup_lr) elif self.by_epoch: if self.warmup is None or cur_iter > self.warmup_iters: return elif cur_iter == self.warmup_iters: self._set_lr(runner, self.regular_lr) else: warmup_lr = self.get_warmup_lr(cur_iter) self._set_lr(runner, warmup_lr)
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class FixedLrUpdaterHook(LrUpdaterHook): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def get_lr(self, runner, base_lr): return base_lr
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class StepLrUpdaterHook(LrUpdaterHook): """Step LR scheduler with min_lr clipping. Args: step (int | list[int]): Step to decay the LR. If an int value is given, regard it as the decay interval. If a list is given, decay LR at these steps. gamma (float): Decay LR ratio. Defaults to 0.1. min_lr (float, optional): Minimum LR value to keep. If LR after decay is lower than `min_lr`, it will be clipped to this value. If None is given, we don't perform lr clipping. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, step: Union[int, List[int]], gamma: float = 0.1, min_lr: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> None: if isinstance(step, list): assert mmcv.is_list_of(step, int) assert all([s > 0 for s in step]) elif isinstance(step, int): assert step > 0 else: raise TypeError('"step" must be a list or integer') self.step = step self.gamma = gamma self.min_lr = min_lr super().__init__(**kwargs) def get_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner', base_lr: float): progress = runner.epoch if self.by_epoch else runner.iter # calculate exponential term if isinstance(self.step, int): exp = progress // self.step else: exp = len(self.step) for i, s in enumerate(self.step): if progress < s: exp = i break lr = base_lr * (self.gamma**exp) if self.min_lr is not None: # clip to a minimum value lr = max(lr, self.min_lr) return lr
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class ExpLrUpdaterHook(LrUpdaterHook): def __init__(self, gamma: float, **kwargs) -> None: self.gamma = gamma super().__init__(**kwargs) def get_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner', base_lr: float): progress = runner.epoch if self.by_epoch else runner.iter return base_lr * self.gamma**progress
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class PolyLrUpdaterHook(LrUpdaterHook): def __init__(self, power: float = 1., min_lr: float = 0., **kwargs) -> None: self.power = power self.min_lr = min_lr super().__init__(**kwargs) def get_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner', base_lr: float): if self.by_epoch: progress = runner.epoch max_progress = runner.max_epochs else: progress = runner.iter max_progress = runner.max_iters coeff = (1 - progress / max_progress)**self.power return (base_lr - self.min_lr) * coeff + self.min_lr
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class InvLrUpdaterHook(LrUpdaterHook): def __init__(self, gamma: float, power: float = 1., **kwargs) -> None: self.gamma = gamma self.power = power super().__init__(**kwargs) def get_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner', base_lr: float): progress = runner.epoch if self.by_epoch else runner.iter return base_lr * (1 + self.gamma * progress)**(-self.power)
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class CosineAnnealingLrUpdaterHook(LrUpdaterHook): """CosineAnnealing LR scheduler. Args: min_lr (float, optional): The minimum lr. Default: None. min_lr_ratio (float, optional): The ratio of minimum lr to the base lr. Either `min_lr` or `min_lr_ratio` should be specified. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, min_lr: Optional[float] = None, min_lr_ratio: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> None: assert (min_lr is None) ^ (min_lr_ratio is None) self.min_lr = min_lr self.min_lr_ratio = min_lr_ratio super().__init__(**kwargs) def get_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner', base_lr: float): if self.by_epoch: progress = runner.epoch max_progress = runner.max_epochs else: progress = runner.iter max_progress = runner.max_iters if self.min_lr_ratio is not None: target_lr = base_lr * self.min_lr_ratio else: target_lr = self.min_lr # type:ignore return annealing_cos(base_lr, target_lr, progress / max_progress)
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class FlatCosineAnnealingLrUpdaterHook(LrUpdaterHook): """Flat + Cosine lr schedule. Modified from # noqa: E501 Args: start_percent (float): When to start annealing the learning rate after the percentage of the total training steps. The value should be in range [0, 1). Default: 0.75 min_lr (float, optional): The minimum lr. Default: None. min_lr_ratio (float, optional): The ratio of minimum lr to the base lr. Either `min_lr` or `min_lr_ratio` should be specified. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, start_percent: float = 0.75, min_lr: Optional[float] = None, min_lr_ratio: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> None: assert (min_lr is None) ^ (min_lr_ratio is None) if start_percent < 0 or start_percent > 1 or not isinstance( start_percent, float): raise ValueError( 'expected float between 0 and 1 start_percent, but ' f'got {start_percent}') self.start_percent = start_percent self.min_lr = min_lr self.min_lr_ratio = min_lr_ratio super().__init__(**kwargs) def get_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner', base_lr: float): if self.by_epoch: start = round(runner.max_epochs * self.start_percent) progress = runner.epoch - start max_progress = runner.max_epochs - start else: start = round(runner.max_iters * self.start_percent) progress = runner.iter - start max_progress = runner.max_iters - start if self.min_lr_ratio is not None: target_lr = base_lr * self.min_lr_ratio else: target_lr = self.min_lr # type:ignore if progress < 0: return base_lr else: return annealing_cos(base_lr, target_lr, progress / max_progress)
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class CosineRestartLrUpdaterHook(LrUpdaterHook): """Cosine annealing with restarts learning rate scheme. Args: periods (list[int]): Periods for each cosine anneling cycle. restart_weights (list[float]): Restart weights at each restart iteration. Defaults to [1]. min_lr (float, optional): The minimum lr. Default: None. min_lr_ratio (float, optional): The ratio of minimum lr to the base lr. Either `min_lr` or `min_lr_ratio` should be specified. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, periods: List[int], restart_weights: List[float] = [1], min_lr: Optional[float] = None, min_lr_ratio: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> None: assert (min_lr is None) ^ (min_lr_ratio is None) self.periods = periods self.min_lr = min_lr self.min_lr_ratio = min_lr_ratio self.restart_weights = restart_weights assert (len(self.periods) == len(self.restart_weights) ), 'periods and restart_weights should have the same length.' super().__init__(**kwargs) self.cumulative_periods = [ sum(self.periods[0:i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(self.periods)) ] def get_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner', base_lr: float): if self.by_epoch: progress = runner.epoch else: progress = runner.iter if self.min_lr_ratio is not None: target_lr = base_lr * self.min_lr_ratio else: target_lr = self.min_lr # type:ignore idx = get_position_from_periods(progress, self.cumulative_periods) current_weight = self.restart_weights[idx] nearest_restart = 0 if idx == 0 else self.cumulative_periods[idx - 1] current_periods = self.periods[idx] alpha = min((progress - nearest_restart) / current_periods, 1) return annealing_cos(base_lr, target_lr, alpha, current_weight)
def get_position_from_periods(iteration: int, cumulative_periods: List[int]): """Get the position from a period list. It will return the index of the right-closest number in the period list. For example, the cumulative_periods = [100, 200, 300, 400], if iteration == 50, return 0; if iteration == 210, return 2; if iteration == 300, return 3. Args: iteration (int): Current iteration. cumulative_periods (list[int]): Cumulative period list. Returns: int: The position of the right-closest number in the period list. """ for i, period in enumerate(cumulative_periods): if iteration < period: return i raise ValueError(f'Current iteration {iteration} exceeds ' f'cumulative_periods {cumulative_periods}')
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class CyclicLrUpdaterHook(LrUpdaterHook): """Cyclic LR Scheduler. Implement the cyclical learning rate policy (CLR) described in Different from the original paper, we use cosine annealing rather than triangular policy inside a cycle. This improves the performance in the 3D detection area. Args: by_epoch (bool, optional): Whether to update LR by epoch. target_ratio (tuple[float], optional): Relative ratio of the highest LR and the lowest LR to the initial LR. cyclic_times (int, optional): Number of cycles during training step_ratio_up (float, optional): The ratio of the increasing process of LR in the total cycle. anneal_strategy (str, optional): {'cos', 'linear'} Specifies the annealing strategy: 'cos' for cosine annealing, 'linear' for linear annealing. Default: 'cos'. gamma (float, optional): Cycle decay ratio. Default: 1. It takes values in the range (0, 1]. The difference between the maximum learning rate and the minimum learning rate decreases periodically when it is less than 1. `New in version 1.4.4.` """ def __init__(self, by_epoch: bool = False, target_ratio: Union[float, tuple] = (10, 1e-4), cyclic_times: int = 1, step_ratio_up: float = 0.4, anneal_strategy: str = 'cos', gamma: float = 1, **kwargs) -> None: if isinstance(target_ratio, float): target_ratio = (target_ratio, target_ratio / 1e5) elif isinstance(target_ratio, tuple): target_ratio = (target_ratio[0], target_ratio[0] / 1e5) \ if len(target_ratio) == 1 else target_ratio else: raise ValueError('target_ratio should be either float ' f'or tuple, got {type(target_ratio)}') assert len(target_ratio) == 2, \ '"target_ratio" must be list or tuple of two floats' assert 0 <= step_ratio_up < 1.0, \ '"step_ratio_up" must be in range [0,1)' assert 0 < gamma <= 1, \ '"gamma" must be in range (0, 1]' self.target_ratio = target_ratio self.cyclic_times = cyclic_times self.step_ratio_up = step_ratio_up self.gamma = gamma self.max_iter_per_phase = None self.lr_phases: list = [] # init lr_phases # validate anneal_strategy if anneal_strategy not in ['cos', 'linear']: raise ValueError('anneal_strategy must be one of "cos" or ' f'"linear", instead got {anneal_strategy}') elif anneal_strategy == 'cos': self.anneal_func: Callable[[float, float, float], float] = annealing_cos elif anneal_strategy == 'linear': self.anneal_func = annealing_linear assert not by_epoch, \ 'currently only support "by_epoch" = False' super().__init__(by_epoch, **kwargs) def before_run(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner'): super().before_run(runner) # initiate lr_phases # total lr_phases are separated as up and down self.max_iter_per_phase = runner.max_iters // self.cyclic_times iter_up_phase = int(self.step_ratio_up * self.max_iter_per_phase) # type: ignore self.lr_phases.append([0, iter_up_phase, 1, self.target_ratio[0]]) self.lr_phases.append([ iter_up_phase, self.max_iter_per_phase, self.target_ratio[0], self.target_ratio[1] ]) def get_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner', base_lr: float): curr_iter = runner.iter % self.max_iter_per_phase # type: ignore curr_cycle = runner.iter // self.max_iter_per_phase # type: ignore # Update weight decay scale = self.gamma**curr_cycle for (start_iter, end_iter, start_ratio, end_ratio) in self.lr_phases: if start_iter <= curr_iter < end_iter: # Apply cycle scaling to gradually reduce the difference # between max_lr and base lr. The target end_ratio can be # expressed as: # end_ratio = (base_lr + scale * (max_lr - base_lr)) / base_lr # iteration: 0-iter_up_phase: if start_iter == 0: end_ratio = 1 - scale + end_ratio * scale # iteration: iter_up_phase-self.max_iter_per_phase else: start_ratio = 1 - scale + start_ratio * scale progress = curr_iter - start_iter return self.anneal_func(base_lr * start_ratio, base_lr * end_ratio, progress / (end_iter - start_iter))
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class OneCycleLrUpdaterHook(LrUpdaterHook): """One Cycle LR Scheduler. The 1cycle learning rate policy changes the learning rate after every batch. The one cycle learning rate policy is described in Args: max_lr (float or list): Upper learning rate boundaries in the cycle for each parameter group. total_steps (int, optional): The total number of steps in the cycle. Note that if a value is not provided here, it will be the max_iter of runner. Default: None. pct_start (float): The percentage of the cycle (in number of steps) spent increasing the learning rate. Default: 0.3 anneal_strategy (str): {'cos', 'linear'} Specifies the annealing strategy: 'cos' for cosine annealing, 'linear' for linear annealing. Default: 'cos' div_factor (float): Determines the initial learning rate via initial_lr = max_lr/div_factor Default: 25 final_div_factor (float): Determines the minimum learning rate via min_lr = initial_lr/final_div_factor Default: 1e4 three_phase (bool): If three_phase is True, use a third phase of the schedule to annihilate the learning rate according to final_div_factor instead of modifying the second phase (the first two phases will be symmetrical about the step indicated by pct_start). Default: False """ def __init__(self, max_lr: Union[float, List], total_steps: Optional[int] = None, pct_start: float = 0.3, anneal_strategy: str = 'cos', div_factor: float = 25, final_div_factor: float = 1e4, three_phase: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: # validate by_epoch, currently only support by_epoch = False if 'by_epoch' not in kwargs: kwargs['by_epoch'] = False else: assert not kwargs['by_epoch'], \ 'currently only support "by_epoch" = False' if not isinstance(max_lr, (numbers.Number, list, dict)): raise ValueError('the type of max_lr must be the one of list or ' f'dict, but got {type(max_lr)}') self._max_lr = max_lr if total_steps is not None: if not isinstance(total_steps, int): raise ValueError('the type of total_steps must be int, but' f'got {type(total_steps)}') self.total_steps = total_steps # validate pct_start if pct_start < 0 or pct_start > 1 or not isinstance(pct_start, float): raise ValueError('expected float between 0 and 1 pct_start, but ' f'got {pct_start}') self.pct_start = pct_start # validate anneal_strategy if anneal_strategy not in ['cos', 'linear']: raise ValueError('anneal_strategy must be one of "cos" or ' f'"linear", instead got {anneal_strategy}') elif anneal_strategy == 'cos': self.anneal_func: Callable[[float, float, float], float] = annealing_cos elif anneal_strategy == 'linear': self.anneal_func = annealing_linear self.div_factor = div_factor self.final_div_factor = final_div_factor self.three_phase = three_phase self.lr_phases: list = [] # init lr_phases super().__init__(**kwargs) def before_run(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner'): if hasattr(self, 'total_steps'): total_steps = self.total_steps else: total_steps = runner.max_iters if total_steps < runner.max_iters: raise ValueError( 'The total steps must be greater than or equal to max ' f'iterations {runner.max_iters} of runner, but total steps ' f'is {total_steps}.') if isinstance(runner.optimizer, dict): self.base_lr = {} for k, optim in runner.optimizer.items(): _max_lr = format_param(k, optim, self._max_lr) self.base_lr[k] = [lr / self.div_factor for lr in _max_lr] for group, lr in zip(optim.param_groups, self.base_lr[k]): group.setdefault('initial_lr', lr) else: k = type(runner.optimizer).__name__ _max_lr = format_param(k, runner.optimizer, self._max_lr) self.base_lr = [lr / self.div_factor for lr in _max_lr] optim_param_groups = runner.optimizer.param_groups # type: ignore for group, lr in zip(optim_param_groups, self.base_lr): group.setdefault('initial_lr', lr) if self.three_phase: self.lr_phases.append( [float(self.pct_start * total_steps) - 1, 1, self.div_factor]) self.lr_phases.append([ float(2 * self.pct_start * total_steps) - 2, self.div_factor, 1 ]) self.lr_phases.append( [total_steps - 1, 1, 1 / self.final_div_factor]) else: self.lr_phases.append( [float(self.pct_start * total_steps) - 1, 1, self.div_factor]) self.lr_phases.append( [total_steps - 1, self.div_factor, 1 / self.final_div_factor]) def get_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner', base_lr: float): curr_iter = runner.iter start_iter = 0 for i, (end_iter, start_lr, end_lr) in enumerate(self.lr_phases): if curr_iter <= end_iter: pct = (curr_iter - start_iter) / (end_iter - start_iter) lr = self.anneal_func(base_lr * start_lr, base_lr * end_lr, pct) break start_iter = end_iter return lr
[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class LinearAnnealingLrUpdaterHook(LrUpdaterHook): """Linear annealing LR Scheduler decays the learning rate of each parameter group linearly. Args: min_lr (float, optional): The minimum lr. Default: None. min_lr_ratio (float, optional): The ratio of minimum lr to the base lr. Either `min_lr` or `min_lr_ratio` should be specified. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, min_lr: Optional[float] = None, min_lr_ratio: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs): assert (min_lr is None) ^ (min_lr_ratio is None) self.min_lr = min_lr self.min_lr_ratio = min_lr_ratio super().__init__(**kwargs) def get_lr(self, runner: 'runner.BaseRunner', base_lr: float): if self.by_epoch: progress = runner.epoch max_progress = runner.max_epochs else: progress = runner.iter max_progress = runner.max_iters if self.min_lr_ratio is not None: target_lr = base_lr * self.min_lr_ratio else: target_lr = self.min_lr # type:ignore return annealing_linear(base_lr, target_lr, progress / max_progress)
def annealing_cos(start: float, end: float, factor: float, weight: float = 1.) -> float: """Calculate annealing cos learning rate. Cosine anneal from `weight * start + (1 - weight) * end` to `end` as percentage goes from 0.0 to 1.0. Args: start (float): The starting learning rate of the cosine annealing. end (float): The ending learing rate of the cosine annealing. factor (float): The coefficient of `pi` when calculating the current percentage. Range from 0.0 to 1.0. weight (float, optional): The combination factor of `start` and `end` when calculating the actual starting learning rate. Default to 1. """ cos_out = cos(pi * factor) + 1 return end + 0.5 * weight * (start - end) * cos_out def annealing_linear(start: float, end: float, factor: float) -> float: """Calculate annealing linear learning rate. Linear anneal from `start` to `end` as percentage goes from 0.0 to 1.0. Args: start (float): The starting learning rate of the linear annealing. end (float): The ending learing rate of the linear annealing. factor (float): The coefficient of `pi` when calculating the current percentage. Range from 0.0 to 1.0. """ return start + (end - start) * factor def format_param(name, optim, param): if isinstance(param, numbers.Number): return [param] * len(optim.param_groups) elif isinstance(param, (list, tuple)): # multi param groups if len(param) != len(optim.param_groups): raise ValueError(f'expected {len(optim.param_groups)} ' f'values for {name}, got {len(param)}') return param else: # multi optimizers if name not in param: raise KeyError(f'{name} is not found in {param.keys()}') return param[name]
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