
mmcv.cnn.bricks.conv_module 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import warnings
from functools import partial
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from mmengine.model import constant_init, kaiming_init
from mmengine.registry import MODELS
from mmengine.utils.dl_utils.parrots_wrapper import _BatchNorm, _InstanceNorm

from .activation import build_activation_layer
from .conv import build_conv_layer
from .norm import build_norm_layer
from .padding import build_padding_layer

def efficient_conv_bn_eval_forward(bn: _BatchNorm,
                                   conv: nn.modules.conv._ConvNd,
                                   x: torch.Tensor):
    Implementation based on
    "Tune-Mode ConvBN Blocks For Efficient Transfer Learning"
    It leverages the associative law between convolution and affine transform,
    i.e., normalize (weight conv feature) = (normalize weight) conv feature.
    It works for Eval mode of ConvBN blocks during validation, and can be used
    for training as well. It reduces memory and computation cost.

        bn (_BatchNorm): a BatchNorm module.
        conv (nn._ConvNd): a conv module
        x (torch.Tensor): Input feature map.
    # These lines of code are designed to deal with various cases
    # like bn without affine transform, and conv without bias
    weight_on_the_fly = conv.weight
    if conv.bias is not None:
        bias_on_the_fly = conv.bias
        bias_on_the_fly = torch.zeros_like(bn.running_var)

    if bn.weight is not None:
        bn_weight = bn.weight
        bn_weight = torch.ones_like(bn.running_var)

    if bn.bias is not None:
        bn_bias = bn.bias
        bn_bias = torch.zeros_like(bn.running_var)

    # shape of [C_out, 1, 1, 1] in Conv2d
    weight_coeff = torch.rsqrt(bn.running_var +
                               bn.eps).reshape([-1] + [1] *
                                               (len(conv.weight.shape) - 1))
    # shape of [C_out, 1, 1, 1] in Conv2d
    coefff_on_the_fly = bn_weight.view_as(weight_coeff) * weight_coeff

    # shape of [C_out, C_in, k, k] in Conv2d
    weight_on_the_fly = weight_on_the_fly * coefff_on_the_fly
    # shape of [C_out] in Conv2d
    bias_on_the_fly = bn_bias + coefff_on_the_fly.flatten() *\
        (bias_on_the_fly - bn.running_mean)

    return conv._conv_forward(x, weight_on_the_fly, bias_on_the_fly)

[文档]@MODELS.register_module() class ConvModule(nn.Module): """A conv block that bundles conv/norm/activation layers. This block simplifies the usage of convolution layers, which are commonly used with a norm layer (e.g., BatchNorm) and activation layer (e.g., ReLU). It is based upon three build methods: `build_conv_layer()`, `build_norm_layer()` and `build_activation_layer()`. Besides, we add some additional features in this module. 1. Automatically set `bias` of the conv layer. 2. Spectral norm is supported. 3. More padding modes are supported. Before PyTorch 1.5, nn.Conv2d only supports zero and circular padding, and we add "reflect" padding mode. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input feature map. Same as that in ``nn._ConvNd``. out_channels (int): Number of channels produced by the convolution. Same as that in ``nn._ConvNd``. kernel_size (int | tuple[int]): Size of the convolving kernel. Same as that in ``nn._ConvNd``. stride (int | tuple[int]): Stride of the convolution. Same as that in ``nn._ConvNd``. padding (int | tuple[int]): Zero-padding added to both sides of the input. Same as that in ``nn._ConvNd``. dilation (int | tuple[int]): Spacing between kernel elements. Same as that in ``nn._ConvNd``. groups (int): Number of blocked connections from input channels to output channels. Same as that in ``nn._ConvNd``. bias (bool | str): If specified as `auto`, it will be decided by the norm_cfg. Bias will be set as True if `norm_cfg` is None, otherwise False. Default: "auto". conv_cfg (dict): Config dict for convolution layer. Default: None, which means using conv2d. norm_cfg (dict): Config dict for normalization layer. Default: None. act_cfg (dict): Config dict for activation layer. Default: dict(type='ReLU'). inplace (bool): Whether to use inplace mode for activation. Default: True. with_spectral_norm (bool): Whether use spectral norm in conv module. Default: False. padding_mode (str): If the `padding_mode` has not been supported by current `Conv2d` in PyTorch, we will use our own padding layer instead. Currently, we support ['zeros', 'circular'] with official implementation and ['reflect'] with our own implementation. Default: 'zeros'. order (tuple[str]): The order of conv/norm/activation layers. It is a sequence of "conv", "norm" and "act". Common examples are ("conv", "norm", "act") and ("act", "conv", "norm"). Default: ('conv', 'norm', 'act'). efficient_conv_bn_eval (bool): Whether use efficient conv when the consecutive bn is in eval mode (either training or testing), as proposed in . Default: `False`. """ _abbr_ = 'conv_block' def __init__(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, kernel_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], stride: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 1, padding: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, dilation: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 1, groups: int = 1, bias: Union[bool, str] = 'auto', conv_cfg: Optional[Dict] = None, norm_cfg: Optional[Dict] = None, act_cfg: Optional[Dict] = dict(type='ReLU'), inplace: bool = True, with_spectral_norm: bool = False, padding_mode: str = 'zeros', order: tuple = ('conv', 'norm', 'act'), efficient_conv_bn_eval: bool = False): super().__init__() assert conv_cfg is None or isinstance(conv_cfg, dict) assert norm_cfg is None or isinstance(norm_cfg, dict) assert act_cfg is None or isinstance(act_cfg, dict) official_padding_mode = ['zeros', 'circular'] self.conv_cfg = conv_cfg self.norm_cfg = norm_cfg self.act_cfg = act_cfg self.inplace = inplace self.with_spectral_norm = with_spectral_norm self.with_explicit_padding = padding_mode not in official_padding_mode self.order = order assert isinstance(self.order, tuple) and len(self.order) == 3 assert set(order) == {'conv', 'norm', 'act'} self.with_norm = norm_cfg is not None self.with_activation = act_cfg is not None # if the conv layer is before a norm layer, bias is unnecessary. if bias == 'auto': bias = not self.with_norm self.with_bias = bias if self.with_explicit_padding: pad_cfg = dict(type=padding_mode) self.padding_layer = build_padding_layer(pad_cfg, padding) # reset padding to 0 for conv module conv_padding = 0 if self.with_explicit_padding else padding # build convolution layer self.conv = build_conv_layer( conv_cfg, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=conv_padding, dilation=dilation, groups=groups, bias=bias) # export the attributes of self.conv to a higher level for convenience self.in_channels = self.conv.in_channels self.out_channels = self.conv.out_channels self.kernel_size = self.conv.kernel_size self.stride = self.conv.stride self.padding = padding self.dilation = self.conv.dilation self.transposed = self.conv.transposed self.output_padding = self.conv.output_padding self.groups = self.conv.groups if self.with_spectral_norm: self.conv = nn.utils.spectral_norm(self.conv) # build normalization layers if self.with_norm: # norm layer is after conv layer if order.index('norm') > order.index('conv'): norm_channels = out_channels else: norm_channels = in_channels self.norm_name, norm = build_norm_layer( norm_cfg, norm_channels) # type: ignore self.add_module(self.norm_name, norm) if self.with_bias: if isinstance(norm, (_BatchNorm, _InstanceNorm)): warnings.warn( 'Unnecessary conv bias before batch/instance norm') else: self.norm_name = None # type: ignore self.turn_on_efficient_conv_bn_eval(efficient_conv_bn_eval) # build activation layer if self.with_activation: act_cfg_ = act_cfg.copy() # type: ignore # nn.Tanh has no 'inplace' argument if act_cfg_['type'] not in [ 'Tanh', 'PReLU', 'Sigmoid', 'HSigmoid', 'Swish', 'GELU' ]: act_cfg_.setdefault('inplace', inplace) self.activate = build_activation_layer(act_cfg_) # Use msra init by default self.init_weights() @property def norm(self): if self.norm_name: return getattr(self, self.norm_name) else: return None def init_weights(self): # 1. It is mainly for customized conv layers with their own # initialization manners by calling their own ``init_weights()``, # and we do not want ConvModule to override the initialization. # 2. For customized conv layers without their own initialization # manners (that is, they don't have their own ``init_weights()``) # and PyTorch's conv layers, they will be initialized by # this method with default ``kaiming_init``. # Note: For PyTorch's conv layers, they will be overwritten by our # initialization implementation using default ``kaiming_init``. if not hasattr(self.conv, 'init_weights'): if self.with_activation and self.act_cfg['type'] == 'LeakyReLU': nonlinearity = 'leaky_relu' a = self.act_cfg.get('negative_slope', 0.01) else: nonlinearity = 'relu' a = 0 kaiming_init(self.conv, a=a, nonlinearity=nonlinearity) if self.with_norm: constant_init(self.norm, 1, bias=0)
[文档] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, activate: bool = True, norm: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor: layer_index = 0 while layer_index < len(self.order): layer = self.order[layer_index] if layer == 'conv': if self.with_explicit_padding: x = self.padding_layer(x) # if the next operation is norm and we have a norm layer in # eval mode and we have enabled `efficient_conv_bn_eval` for # the conv operator, then activate the optimized forward and # skip the next norm operator since it has been fused if layer_index + 1 < len(self.order) and \ self.order[layer_index + 1] == 'norm' and norm and \ self.with_norm and not and \ self.efficient_conv_bn_eval_forward is not None: self.conv.forward = partial( self.efficient_conv_bn_eval_forward, self.norm, self.conv) layer_index += 1 x = self.conv(x) del self.conv.forward else: x = self.conv(x) elif layer == 'norm' and norm and self.with_norm: x = self.norm(x) elif layer == 'act' and activate and self.with_activation: x = self.activate(x) layer_index += 1 return x
def turn_on_efficient_conv_bn_eval(self, efficient_conv_bn_eval=True): # efficient_conv_bn_eval works for conv + bn # with `track_running_stats` option if efficient_conv_bn_eval and self.norm \ and isinstance(self.norm, _BatchNorm) \ and self.norm.track_running_stats: self.efficient_conv_bn_eval_forward = efficient_conv_bn_eval_forward # noqa: E501 else: self.efficient_conv_bn_eval_forward = None # type: ignore
[文档] @staticmethod def create_from_conv_bn(conv: torch.nn.modules.conv._ConvNd, bn: torch.nn.modules.batchnorm._BatchNorm, efficient_conv_bn_eval=True) -> 'ConvModule': """Create a ConvModule from a conv and a bn module.""" self = ConvModule.__new__(ConvModule) super(ConvModule, self).__init__() self.conv_cfg = None self.norm_cfg = None self.act_cfg = None self.inplace = False self.with_spectral_norm = False self.with_explicit_padding = False self.order = ('conv', 'norm', 'act') self.with_norm = True self.with_activation = False self.with_bias = conv.bias is not None # build convolution layer self.conv = conv # export the attributes of self.conv to a higher level for convenience self.in_channels = self.conv.in_channels self.out_channels = self.conv.out_channels self.kernel_size = self.conv.kernel_size self.stride = self.conv.stride self.padding = self.conv.padding self.dilation = self.conv.dilation self.transposed = self.conv.transposed self.output_padding = self.conv.output_padding self.groups = self.conv.groups # build normalization layers self.norm_name, norm = 'bn', bn self.add_module(self.norm_name, norm) self.turn_on_efficient_conv_bn_eval(efficient_conv_bn_eval) return self
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