
mmcv.fileio.file_client 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import inspect
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from urllib.request import urlopen

[文档]class BaseStorageBackend(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract class of storage backends. All backends need to implement two apis: ``get()`` and ``get_text()``. ``get()`` reads the file as a byte stream and ``get_text()`` reads the file as texts. """ @abstractmethod def get(self, filepath): pass @abstractmethod def get_text(self, filepath): pass
class CephBackend(BaseStorageBackend): """Ceph storage backend. Args: path_mapping (dict|None): path mapping dict from local path to Petrel path. When ``path_mapping={'src': 'dst'}``, ``src`` in ``filepath`` will be replaced by ``dst``. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, path_mapping=None): try: import ceph except ImportError: raise ImportError('Please install ceph to enable CephBackend.') self._client = ceph.S3Client() assert isinstance(path_mapping, dict) or path_mapping is None self.path_mapping = path_mapping def get(self, filepath): filepath = str(filepath) if self.path_mapping is not None: for k, v in self.path_mapping.items(): filepath = filepath.replace(k, v) value = self._client.Get(filepath) value_buf = memoryview(value) return value_buf def get_text(self, filepath): raise NotImplementedError class PetrelBackend(BaseStorageBackend): """Petrel storage backend (for internal use). Args: path_mapping (dict|None): path mapping dict from local path to Petrel path. When `path_mapping={'src': 'dst'}`, `src` in `filepath` will be replaced by `dst`. Default: None. enable_mc (bool): whether to enable memcached support. Default: True. """ def __init__(self, path_mapping=None, enable_mc=True): try: from petrel_client import client except ImportError: raise ImportError('Please install petrel_client to enable ' 'PetrelBackend.') self._client = client.Client(enable_mc=enable_mc) assert isinstance(path_mapping, dict) or path_mapping is None self.path_mapping = path_mapping def get(self, filepath): filepath = str(filepath) if self.path_mapping is not None: for k, v in self.path_mapping.items(): filepath = filepath.replace(k, v) value = self._client.Get(filepath) value_buf = memoryview(value) return value_buf def get_text(self, filepath): raise NotImplementedError class MemcachedBackend(BaseStorageBackend): """Memcached storage backend. Attributes: server_list_cfg (str): Config file for memcached server list. client_cfg (str): Config file for memcached client. sys_path (str | None): Additional path to be appended to `sys.path`. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, server_list_cfg, client_cfg, sys_path=None): if sys_path is not None: import sys sys.path.append(sys_path) try: import mc except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'Please install memcached to enable MemcachedBackend.') self.server_list_cfg = server_list_cfg self.client_cfg = client_cfg self._client = mc.MemcachedClient.GetInstance(self.server_list_cfg, self.client_cfg) # mc.pyvector servers as a point which points to a memory cache self._mc_buffer = mc.pyvector() def get(self, filepath): filepath = str(filepath) import mc self._client.Get(filepath, self._mc_buffer) value_buf = mc.ConvertBuffer(self._mc_buffer) return value_buf def get_text(self, filepath): raise NotImplementedError class LmdbBackend(BaseStorageBackend): """Lmdb storage backend. Args: db_path (str): Lmdb database path. readonly (bool, optional): Lmdb environment parameter. If True, disallow any write operations. Default: True. lock (bool, optional): Lmdb environment parameter. If False, when concurrent access occurs, do not lock the database. Default: False. readahead (bool, optional): Lmdb environment parameter. If False, disable the OS filesystem readahead mechanism, which may improve random read performance when a database is larger than RAM. Default: False. Attributes: db_path (str): Lmdb database path. """ def __init__(self, db_path, readonly=True, lock=False, readahead=False, **kwargs): try: import lmdb except ImportError: raise ImportError('Please install lmdb to enable LmdbBackend.') self.db_path = str(db_path) self._client = self.db_path, readonly=readonly, lock=lock, readahead=readahead, **kwargs) def get(self, filepath): """Get values according to the filepath. Args: filepath (str | obj:`Path`): Here, filepath is the lmdb key. """ filepath = str(filepath) with self._client.begin(write=False) as txn: value_buf = txn.get(filepath.encode('ascii')) return value_buf def get_text(self, filepath): raise NotImplementedError class HardDiskBackend(BaseStorageBackend): """Raw hard disks storage backend.""" def get(self, filepath): filepath = str(filepath) with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: value_buf = return value_buf def get_text(self, filepath): filepath = str(filepath) with open(filepath, 'r') as f: value_buf = return value_buf class HTTPBackend(BaseStorageBackend): """HTTP and HTTPS storage bachend.""" def get(self, filepath): value_buf = urlopen(filepath).read() return value_buf def get_text(self, filepath): value_buf = urlopen(filepath).read() return value_buf.decode('utf-8')
[文档]class FileClient: """A general file client to access files in different backend. The client loads a file or text in a specified backend from its path and return it as a binary file. it can also register other backend accessor with a given name and backend class. Attributes: backend (str): The storage backend type. Options are "disk", "ceph", "memcached", "lmdb" and "http". client (:obj:`BaseStorageBackend`): The backend object. """ _backends = { 'disk': HardDiskBackend, 'ceph': CephBackend, 'memcached': MemcachedBackend, 'lmdb': LmdbBackend, 'petrel': PetrelBackend, 'http': HTTPBackend, } def __init__(self, backend='disk', **kwargs): if backend not in self._backends: raise ValueError( f'Backend {backend} is not supported. Currently supported ones' f' are {list(self._backends.keys())}') self.backend = backend self.client = self._backends[backend](**kwargs) @classmethod def _register_backend(cls, name, backend, force=False): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('the backend name should be a string, ' f'but got {type(name)}') if not inspect.isclass(backend): raise TypeError( f'backend should be a class but got {type(backend)}') if not issubclass(backend, BaseStorageBackend): raise TypeError( f'backend {backend} is not a subclass of BaseStorageBackend') if not force and name in cls._backends: raise KeyError( f'{name} is already registered as a storage backend, ' 'add "force=True" if you want to override it') cls._backends[name] = backend
[文档] @classmethod def register_backend(cls, name, backend=None, force=False): """Register a backend to FileClient. This method can be used as a normal class method or a decorator. .. code-block:: python class NewBackend(BaseStorageBackend): def get(self, filepath): return filepath def get_text(self, filepath): return filepath FileClient.register_backend('new', NewBackend) or .. code-block:: python @FileClient.register_backend('new') class NewBackend(BaseStorageBackend): def get(self, filepath): return filepath def get_text(self, filepath): return filepath Args: name (str): The name of the registered backend. backend (class, optional): The backend class to be registered, which must be a subclass of :class:`BaseStorageBackend`. When this method is used as a decorator, backend is None. Defaults to None. force (bool, optional): Whether to override the backend if the name has already been registered. Defaults to False. """ if backend is not None: cls._register_backend(name, backend, force=force) return def _register(backend_cls): cls._register_backend(name, backend_cls, force=force) return backend_cls return _register
def get(self, filepath): return self.client.get(filepath) def get_text(self, filepath): return self.client.get_text(filepath)
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