
mmcv.runner.hooks.logger.text 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import datetime
import os
import os.path as osp
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

import torch
import torch.distributed as dist

import mmcv
from mmcv.fileio.file_client import FileClient
from mmcv.utils import is_tuple_of, scandir
from ..hook import HOOKS
from .base import LoggerHook

[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class TextLoggerHook(LoggerHook): """Logger hook in text. In this logger hook, the information will be printed on terminal and saved in json file. Args: by_epoch (bool, optional): Whether EpochBasedRunner is used. Default: True. interval (int, optional): Logging interval (every k iterations). Default: 10. ignore_last (bool, optional): Ignore the log of last iterations in each epoch if less than :attr:`interval`. Default: True. reset_flag (bool, optional): Whether to clear the output buffer after logging. Default: False. interval_exp_name (int, optional): Logging interval for experiment name. This feature is to help users conveniently get the experiment information from screen or log file. Default: 1000. out_dir (str, optional): Logs are saved in ``runner.work_dir`` default. If ``out_dir`` is specified, logs will be copied to a new directory which is the concatenation of ``out_dir`` and the last level directory of ``runner.work_dir``. Default: None. `New in version 1.3.16.` out_suffix (str or tuple[str], optional): Those filenames ending with ``out_suffix`` will be copied to ``out_dir``. Default: ('.log.json', '.log', '.py'). `New in version 1.3.16.` keep_local (bool, optional): Whether to keep local log when :attr:`out_dir` is specified. If False, the local log will be removed. Default: True. `New in version 1.3.16.` file_client_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate a FileClient. See :class:`mmcv.fileio.FileClient` for details. Default: None. `New in version 1.3.16.` """ def __init__(self, by_epoch: bool = True, interval: int = 10, ignore_last: bool = True, reset_flag: bool = False, interval_exp_name: int = 1000, out_dir: Optional[str] = None, out_suffix: Union[str, tuple] = ('.log.json', '.log', '.py'), keep_local: bool = True, file_client_args: Optional[Dict] = None): super().__init__(interval, ignore_last, reset_flag, by_epoch) self.by_epoch = by_epoch self.time_sec_tot = 0 self.interval_exp_name = interval_exp_name if out_dir is None and file_client_args is not None: raise ValueError( 'file_client_args should be "None" when `out_dir` is not' 'specified.') self.out_dir = out_dir if not (out_dir is None or isinstance(out_dir, str) or is_tuple_of(out_dir, str)): raise TypeError('out_dir should be "None" or string or tuple of ' 'string, but got {out_dir}') self.out_suffix = out_suffix self.keep_local = keep_local self.file_client_args = file_client_args if self.out_dir is not None: self.file_client = FileClient.infer_client(file_client_args, self.out_dir) def before_run(self, runner) -> None: super().before_run(runner) if self.out_dir is not None: self.file_client = FileClient.infer_client(self.file_client_args, self.out_dir) # The final `self.out_dir` is the concatenation of `self.out_dir` # and the last level directory of `runner.work_dir` basename = osp.basename(runner.work_dir.rstrip(osp.sep)) self.out_dir = self.file_client.join_path(self.out_dir, basename) f'Text logs will be saved to {self.out_dir} by ' f'{} after the training process.') self.start_iter = runner.iter self.json_log_path = osp.join(runner.work_dir, f'{runner.timestamp}.log.json') if runner.meta is not None: self._dump_log(runner.meta, runner) def _get_max_memory(self, runner) -> int: device = getattr(runner.model, 'output_device', None) mem = torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(device=device) mem_mb = torch.tensor([int(mem) // (1024 * 1024)],, device=device) if runner.world_size > 1: dist.reduce(mem_mb, 0, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX) return mem_mb.item() def _log_info(self, log_dict: Dict, runner) -> None: # print exp name for users to distinguish experiments # at every ``interval_exp_name`` iterations and the end of each epoch if runner.meta is not None and 'exp_name' in runner.meta: if (self.every_n_iters(runner, self.interval_exp_name)) or ( self.by_epoch and self.end_of_epoch(runner)): exp_info = f'Exp name: {runner.meta["exp_name"]}' if log_dict['mode'] == 'train': if isinstance(log_dict['lr'], dict): lr_str = [] for k, val in log_dict['lr'].items(): lr_str.append(f'lr_{k}: {val:.3e}') lr_str = ' '.join(lr_str) # type: ignore else: lr_str = f'lr: {log_dict["lr"]:.3e}' # type: ignore # by epoch: Epoch [4][100/1000] # by iter: Iter [100/100000] if self.by_epoch: log_str = f'Epoch [{log_dict["epoch"]}]' \ f'[{log_dict["iter"]}/{len(runner.data_loader)}]\t' else: log_str = f'Iter [{log_dict["iter"]}/{runner.max_iters}]\t' log_str += f'{lr_str}, ' if 'time' in log_dict.keys(): self.time_sec_tot += (log_dict['time'] * self.interval) time_sec_avg = self.time_sec_tot / ( runner.iter - self.start_iter + 1) eta_sec = time_sec_avg * (runner.max_iters - runner.iter - 1) eta_str = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_sec))) log_str += f'eta: {eta_str}, ' log_str += f'time: {log_dict["time"]:.3f}, ' \ f'data_time: {log_dict["data_time"]:.3f}, ' # statistic memory if torch.cuda.is_available(): log_str += f'memory: {log_dict["memory"]}, ' else: # val/test time # here 1000 is the length of the val dataloader # by epoch: Epoch[val] [4][1000] # by iter: Iter[val] [1000] if self.by_epoch: log_str = f'Epoch({log_dict["mode"]}) ' \ f'[{log_dict["epoch"]}][{log_dict["iter"]}]\t' else: log_str = f'Iter({log_dict["mode"]}) [{log_dict["iter"]}]\t' log_items = [] for name, val in log_dict.items(): # TODO: resolve this hack # these items have been in log_str if name in [ 'mode', 'Epoch', 'iter', 'lr', 'time', 'data_time', 'memory', 'epoch' ]: continue if isinstance(val, float): val = f'{val:.4f}' log_items.append(f'{name}: {val}') log_str += ', '.join(log_items) def _dump_log(self, log_dict: Dict, runner) -> None: # dump log in json format json_log = OrderedDict() for k, v in log_dict.items(): json_log[k] = self._round_float(v) # only append log at last line if runner.rank == 0: with open(self.json_log_path, 'a+') as f: mmcv.dump(json_log, f, file_format='json') f.write('\n') def _round_float(self, items): if isinstance(items, list): return [self._round_float(item) for item in items] elif isinstance(items, float): return round(items, 5) else: return items def log(self, runner) -> OrderedDict: if 'eval_iter_num' in runner.log_buffer.output: # this doesn't modify runner.iter and is regardless of by_epoch cur_iter = runner.log_buffer.output.pop('eval_iter_num') else: cur_iter = self.get_iter(runner, inner_iter=True) log_dict = OrderedDict( mode=self.get_mode(runner), epoch=self.get_epoch(runner), iter=cur_iter) # only record lr of the first param group cur_lr = runner.current_lr() if isinstance(cur_lr, list): log_dict['lr'] = cur_lr[0] else: assert isinstance(cur_lr, dict) log_dict['lr'] = {} for k, lr_ in cur_lr.items(): assert isinstance(lr_, list) log_dict['lr'].update({k: lr_[0]}) if 'time' in runner.log_buffer.output: # statistic memory if torch.cuda.is_available(): log_dict['memory'] = self._get_max_memory(runner) log_dict = dict(log_dict, **runner.log_buffer.output) # type: ignore self._log_info(log_dict, runner) self._dump_log(log_dict, runner) return log_dict def after_run(self, runner) -> None: # copy or upload logs to self.out_dir if self.out_dir is not None: for filename in scandir(runner.work_dir, self.out_suffix, True): local_filepath = osp.join(runner.work_dir, filename) out_filepath = self.file_client.join_path( self.out_dir, filename) with open(local_filepath) as f: self.file_client.put_text(, out_filepath) f'The file {local_filepath} has been uploaded to ' f'{out_filepath}.') if not self.keep_local: os.remove(local_filepath) f'{local_filepath} was removed due to the ' '`self.keep_local=False`')
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